We are the leading expert in recycled used clothing for over 30 years. First established in Toronto, Canada as Zim Recycling, Zim International is our second branch based in Thailand. In the process of creating these two establishments, Zim's team always bares in mind two core values: the sustainability of the environment and the need of those who are less fortunate.
Living in today's materialistic society, it is easier to take everything for granted. We forget that there are consequences in every actions we take. Just daily human activities alone impose many stressors to our environment. Overindulgence and overconsumption of material goods left us with landfill of imperishable garbages that impact the world we live in, the air we inhale and the water we drink. Global warming and many recent unpredictable natural disasters that we are facing are warnings for simultaneous globalize action toward a better environment. However not everyone shares the same view. Therefore, over here at Zim, we believe that change start now and change start with one person's right view. Zim's team collects unwanted or used clothes from all around the world and recycle them back into the system for those who see value in them. We embrace the phrase one's man garbage is another man's treasure.
At Zim, we attempt our very best toward zero waste policy which will outline in our recycle process below:
Firstly, Our achievement today a is tribute to our clients from all around the world: Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, North America. Secondly, this achievement is owing deeply to our loyal employee who continues to excelWithout their on going support, there would be no Zim and neither will the existence of this great cause.